Be protected this flu season through influenza shot at primary care center in Bronx.

Flu is not only a nuisance but sometimes a critical health complication, particularly in children, elderly people, and those with persistent illnesses. It would be very easy each year to get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated against influenza virus.
If you are residing in New York, it would only seem that you are out there on the busy streets and crowded spaces, simply inviting this virus into your system. Not to worry! NYCDocs makes it easy for you to have your flu shots in the Bronx. In this blog, we will go deep into why the flu vaccine is such an important vaccine, how it functions, and what one should know before vaccinations.
Why the flu shot is so important?
Getting the flu vaccine is important-it protects not only yourself but also those around you. These viruses are passed so easily along by coughing, sneezing, or even by touching things contaminated with the virus and then your mouth, nose, or eyes. Vaccination means protection against the possibility of catching the infection, protection for others around you, and especially those at highest risk for serious health complications.
This avoids grave health complications that otherwise set in. In the event of not being vaccinated, the flu can graduate to such serious conditions as pneumonia or bronchitis that would necessitate immediate hospitalization. These complications easily become life-threatening, and an annual flu shot reduces such risks significantly enough to guarantee one's health through the respiratory illness season.
Finally, the flu shot will save you from all the unnecessary disruption of life. Getting sick with the flu can equate to days off from work or school and hurt your productivity and routine once vaccinated. You save your time and keep life right on schedule.
How Does the Flu Vaccine Work?
Flu vaccination prepares your immune system for recognizing the influenza virus and hence fighting it effectively. It does this by exposing your body to killed or weakened forms of the viruses, which may never have made you sick but are strong enough to bring forth a response by the immune system. Your body, in response to vaccination, produces some antibodies against the virus. These antibodies, afterwards, would be residing in your system and prepared to fight the live virus, should you happen to be exposed during the flu season. This surely reduces the possibilities of getting sick or showing serious symptoms when you catch the flu.
Why Do You Need to Have Flu Shots Every Year?
The viruses which cause flu change every year; hence different strains circulate. That means immunity from vaccination last year may not apply to strains circulating this season. To counter this, every year, scientists update the vaccine for seasonal flu in order to target those types which are most prevalent and likely to be dominant for the year. This yearly update will make sure of optimum protection against current respiratory illness threats. This is so important: one really has to make sure to get a flu shot every year just to keep up protection against infection.
Scheduled appointment now!
Getting your flu shot is an easy and surefire way to stay healthy and avoid getting your loved ones sick. Come on down to NYCDocs today and let us provide an easy, hassle-free vaccination experience in the Bronx, New York!
What is the flu shot, and how does it work?
A flu vaccination to guard against the influenza viruses. contains weakened or killed forms of the virus. It won't make a person ill. Actually, this helps your body to identify the virus afterward to enable the immune system to fight it. In case you are vaccinated, the possibilities of you getting influenza are very low.
Is the flu shot safe if I'm pregnant?
Yes. In fact, it is recommended when you are pregnant, too. As it will help you and your baby after birth. The antibodies produced from your body will be passed on to the baby, making it much stronger against the influenza.
When should I get the flu shot?
That time around fall is the best time to get it, right before the flu peaks, but still, that's a very vital thing for people to know, that is a good time. In fact, CDC suggests getting it in October. Missed it? No problem. Getting it later in the year is fine because the flu season goes into spring too.
Does the flu shot protect against all types of flu?
Typically, the flu vaccination protects against the most common flu; it does not protect against every type of virus. It does reduce the risk of developing this respiratory illness and prevents some of the worst symptoms.
Is the flu vaccination safe to take for children?
Conclusively, yes it is safe for children of six months and over. They are also advised to vaccinate since they can get quite sick and be more likely to show all the worst symptoms as compared to others. Of course, you may always consult with your child's doctor or just check out NYCDocs in order to protect your child.
Can I still get the flu after being vaccinated?
That would be possible but highly improbable. In case of vaccination, that would help because your symptoms wouldn't be bad; the recovery would be faster compared to other patients. Also, the vaccine would lower the risk of serious complications such as pneumonia or hospitalization.
Does getting a flu shot hurt?
The flu shot only takes a second; most people feel a sting/pinch. Some people might feel soreness after, but this feeling usually goes away after a day or two. If you’re concerned, let your primary care provider at NYCDocs know so that they can ensure the process is as comfortable as possible.
Is the flu shot covered by insurance?
Yet, the majority of health insurance plans do cover the flu shots. If you are not sure if your insurance covers this shot, then you can contact us at NYCDocs and/or your insurance provider. They are able to confirm this for you.